Thursday, August 27, 2009

Your printer is a WMI (Weapon of Mass Instruction)

In our struggle against the forces of evil that are destroying America, we are called to become wise and cunning, for we battle against an adversary that has many more resources that we do. Therefore, this tactic of opposing the administration and its destructive works, of using our printers as a Weapon of Mass Instruction is one that is not only extremely effective, but it is something the administration has no defense against.

The pictures and posters may be reproduced royalty free, they will NOT be copyrighted and we encourage everyone to actually download them into the hard drives and have them available in case the originals are taken down. We also encourage each person to print on the pictures and posters their own site(s) urls in order to promote their sites and increase the reach to more and more people willing to continue to download them, print them out and hand them to everyone at their reach.

The pictures and posters may be resized and make them fit to other sizes as people may deem necessary. The point is, we must use them in any way or manner possible in order to promote our cause for the American recovery.

Print as many copies as you can afford or are comfortable with, but make sure you actually use them and spread them as widely as possible. In very few days or weeks, we can flood the whole country with conservative, patriotic pieces of information, instruction and education and allow as many people as possible to become aware of the crisis we are facing and fighting against.

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